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5i Recent Questions
Q: I own STAG and it had a nice run at the end of 2023 but has come down a bit since, and it’s share price is about the same from a year ago. It’s in a stable real estate sector and I don’t mind holding onto it if it has some decent growth potential (by REIT standards), but if you think it’s struggling to grow, I may look for a better REIT. Thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Brendan on June 14, 2024
Q: Hi 5i
Each of these stocks represent between 2-3 1/2 % of my
Thinking of boosting some up to between 4 1/2 to 5%.
None are at a loss.
Any thoughts of an order to do this?
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on September 18, 2023
Q: Can you recommend some high paying US stocks or ETF's to hold in my Rif account. Please include some that distribute monthly payments if possible. I am mostly interested in income, not capital gains seeing most of my US investments are down. Thanks, James
Read Answer Asked by JAMES on July 05, 2023
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