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5i Recent Questions
Q: What is your current opinion on Spotify. Would you buy it here for growth, or is it too expensive?
Q: Hi Peter,
Can I get you to compare Chapters Group AG to Pinetree Capital. Both are small cap holding companies. Do you see a lot of similarities between the two and would they be comparable. Both have had good runs.
I appreciate your views.
Can I get you to compare Chapters Group AG to Pinetree Capital. Both are small cap holding companies. Do you see a lot of similarities between the two and would they be comparable. Both have had good runs.
I appreciate your views.
Q: What do you think of SPOT? How does it look from an earnings/growth perspective, and how expensive is it?
I've done quite well on it but wondering if i should sell before the Nov 12 earnings - what are analysts expecting for that?
Thank you!
I've done quite well on it but wondering if i should sell before the Nov 12 earnings - what are analysts expecting for that?
Thank you!
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