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iShares S&P/TSX SmallCap Index ETF (XCS)
Vanguard Small Cap ETF (VB)
Vanguard FTSE All-World Ex-US Small Capital Index Fund ETF (VSS)
iShares Russell 2000 ETF (IWM)
iShares Core S&P Small-Cap ETF (IJR)
iShares MSCI EAFE Small-Cap ETF (SCZ)
Pacer US Small Cap Cash Cows 100 ETF (CALF)
Schwab International Small-Cap Equity ETF (SCHC)
Q: Could I get a list of the best Small Cap ETF's to buy for Canada, USA & International?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Q: I cannot find SCHC (Schwab International Small-Cap Equity ETF) in the database.
This US-listed ETF is about 20% Canadian stocks and 80% outside North America. When held in an RRSP my understanding is that latter (outside NA) is subject to foreign withholding tax. But what about the Canadian stocks, any withholding tax?
This US-listed ETF is about 20% Canadian stocks and 80% outside North America. When held in an RRSP my understanding is that latter (outside NA) is subject to foreign withholding tax. But what about the Canadian stocks, any withholding tax?
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