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Q: I have all these stocks in my RIFF and they are all up since purchase. I have $75.00 in my RIFF, would you add a new stock, what would you suggest?
Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Dorothy on September 11, 2024
Q: Dear Peter et al:

You can call me a "Nervous Nellie" if you want (!) but I am older than you and know that sometimes the story like TD to play out can take a looong time!

If one is sitting in a small loss position in TD, worth switching to another bank like RY or BNS? Or move into a riskier stock like GSY or an insurance co like SLF? I know it is comparing Apples VS Oranges. Nothing against TD. I am sure it will bounce back. But I can "see" it moving sideways for a while. Just an old man's opinion.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on May 29, 2024
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