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5i Recent Questions
Q: Can you give a quick opinion on each of the above stocks at this time for long term positions in the AI and robotic sectors?

Is there a good ETF that invests in the AI and robotic sectors to consider?
Read Answer Asked by Mike on August 14, 2024
Q: Thanks for answering both of my questions on ATS and BYD earnings. In reviewing past answers on these 2 companies it seems to me that this in not the first 'disappointing' quarter they have had.

They seem to be in a slump on earnings and in performance which naturally follows.

ATS -31% year to date and -30 for 1 year.

BYD -18% year to date and -3% for 1 year.

Both significantly lagging the S&P and QQQ.

How much longer will you give these 2 in your portfolios before they are replaced?

If you were to replace them today with good quality US stocks with good performance numbers, which would they be?


Read Answer Asked by Sheldon on August 12, 2024
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