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Q: Recently PZD - the Invesco Cleantech ETF was changed to ERTH - the Invesco MSCI Sustainable Future ETF. PZD almost all Tech and Industrials whereas ERTH has a similar weighting in Industrials but only 13% tech and a big chunk in real estate. I bought PZD years as more of a growth ETF and it doesn't seem like ERTH can really fill it's shoes. Can you recommend another ETF similar to PZD? This would be a 6% weighting in my portfolio.

Read Answer Asked by Dennis on June 07, 2021
Q: I recently got a notice saying this ETF was changing it's name and underlying index. The index it will follow after March 24 is the "MSCI Global Environmental Select Index".

I was able to find data on the "MSCI Global Environmental Index" but not the".... Select Index" I was hoping maybe your sources have this information. I'd like to know what the holding are.


Read Answer Asked by Dennis on February 24, 2021
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