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Q: hi all:

looking at the total nuclear complex from producers to manufacturing to servicing to repairing.............the whole industry now and into the future

besides the producers (i own cco and nxe) who do you see as potential investable companies over the next 5+ years

(in services, i own bwxt)

more specifically, i'm hearing more that small modular reactors will show good potential for our energy grid, who do you foresee as playing a role in building and servicing?

......and anything else you care to add on this theme!

thank you
Read Answer Asked by Robert on June 26, 2024
Q: Can I get your thoughts on yieldcos, Pattern in particular? It seems to be an unsustainable business model to me. They get capital which will accept low returns so long as they keep growing the distribution but they have to keep paying higher prices to keep the rate of growth going. Eventually the growth rate has to run out of steam and then their cost of capital would rise and there would be a world of hurt. Am I missing anything?
Read Answer Asked by Rob on July 21, 2015
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