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5i Recent Questions
ARC Resources Ltd. (ARX)
Canadian Utilities Limited Class A Non-Voting Shares (CU)
Tourmaline Oil Corp. (TOU)
Paramount Resources Ltd. Class A Common Shares (POU)
Uni-Select Inc. (UNS)
Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNQ)
Sun Life Financial Inc. (SLF)
Suncor Energy Inc. (SU)
Ovintiv Inc. (DE) (OVV)
Montrose Environmental Group Inc. (MEG)
Q: I own small percentages of each of these in an unregistered account, I have $23,000. and I would like to add to some of them, which one would you suggest. Thanks for your help over the years, I read the questions so rarely ask one myself. Thanks Dorothy
Suncor Energy Inc. (SU)
Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNQ)
Cenovus Energy Inc. (CVE)
MEG Energy Corp. (MEG)
Whitecap Resources Inc. (WCP)
Baytex Energy Corp. (BTE)
Kelt Exploration Ltd. (KEL)
Ovintiv Inc. (DE) (OVV)
Q: The listed oil and gas companies comprise a 4% weight in my portfolios. I have been dying in oil and gas for about a decade. However, not counting the capital losses I have taken over the years, the current portfolio of legacy and new acquistions is miraculously above water. I have promised myself to never again be so exposed to the world's most manipulated commodity. If I'm going to folow though on this self-promise I need to think about liquidating some of these positions. Question: in what order would you take down these positions?
Best wishes for 2022. David
Best wishes for 2022. David
Q: In order to avoid 1135 reporting do I have to sell
What would be a Canada replacement stocks or etf that would
have a simearl chance to go up in a good market?
thanks ralph
simeral chance to go up in a good market?
What would be a Canada replacement stocks or etf that would
have a simearl chance to go up in a good market?
thanks ralph
simeral chance to go up in a good market?
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