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Q: Hi Peter...I bought the warrants in January and sold them last week for a 100% gain and I bought MG with the proceeds. The NGA warrants are still below what I sold them for. Do you think it worth chancing a rebuy? If the warrants are basically a coin a 50% chance of either going up or down... then in all probability the chances of making another profit are more remote the 2nd time around. In reality all short term stock purchases are in essence a coin toss even though day traders may take issue with this comment. The probabilities of success are better with a good company over a long term holding. The account is not registered so capital gains taxes will be required. Any thoughts you have would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by James on March 12, 2021
Q: I purchased some of these warrants a few weeks ago. They are convertible at $11.50/share.
I can't find if there is an expiration date for conversion anywhere. Do you know if there is and/or when the expiry date is?
While on this subject can you direct me to any public databases that list warrants and convertible debentures?
Read Answer Asked by DAVE on December 31, 2020
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