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5i Recent Questions
Q: hi 5i
Big drop today in 3M ...would you consider this an opportunity to initiate a small position....I read a recent 5i response about contracting valuations and share ownership driven by attractive dividends...does this do you view dividend safety. and what entry point would you consider ..
Read Answer Asked by jim on January 24, 2024
Q: hi, in my USD account I currently hold: PFE, MMM, CRWD, NVDA and GOOGL. I want to add the IJT etf. any thoughts on positions size ( half, full) right now, based on current price of IJT? if you had to sell from my list of current equites, what order would you do it in - and would you sell any completely in exchange for IJT ?
cheers and happy holidays! Chris
Read Answer Asked by chris on December 21, 2023
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