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Q: I was puzzled ( STARTLED, actually) in June this year to see that AAII added MDU to its “ Stock Superstars” model portfolio. MDU struck me as a rather sick company operating in an environment that appears to be adverse ---if not downright hostile--- to its business. However when I checked some analysts’ reports I saw several (including CFRA) have a BUY rating on this company notwithstanding its depressing descent down in share price. MDU appears to be a value , even deep value, company, a group that often has hidden dangers. MDU’s s PEG is sky high at 2.53, but ROE and ROCI are not shabby for its industry.

Is this a company you could--- in a sober moment -- buy if you wanted a boring bond proxy to reduce overall portfolio risk? MDU seems to me more suitable for contrarian value investors. It is not uncommon for me to miss something , but is AAII mistaken in calling this business a ‘stock superstar’?
Read Answer Asked by Adam on July 31, 2020
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