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Q: Could you pls provide ETFs for dividend and capital growth over the next 12 months for each of:
Communications Services, Consumer Discretionary, Consumer Staples, Energy, Financial, Health Care, Industrials, Information Technology, Materials, Real Estate, and Utilities?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on June 19, 2023
Q: I am looking to finally replace the following mutual funds held in a self admin RSP account, to equivalent ETFs.
FID269 - Fid Monthly Inc;
FID5973 - Fid Global Innovation;
FID207 - Fid Global Concentrated Equity;
RBC460 - Sel Bal Ptf
TDB2760 - Td Retirement Balance
TDB652 - Td Global Entertainment & communication
TDB976 - Td Health Science
TDB2580 Td Tactical Monthly Inc
My goal is to replace these mutual funds with long term, high yielding where possible, low MER, CDN or US $ equivalent ETFs. Please provide 2 or 3 suggestions for each. Please deduct as many credit s as need.
Thank you for all the invaluable investment help you provide.

Read Answer Asked by Mark on October 15, 2021
Q: I am underweight in US in my portfolio - for example in my communication sector AT+T represents only 2% -of a 17% weighting. What are some US communication funds that have performed well and appear to continue to do so - please list in order on rating. What are your thoughts on AT+T? Thank you for your excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Lorraine on June 23, 2020
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