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Q: I have held EA for almost five years, and it has only gone up 8% in all that time. My son is a gamer and said that other than F1, all the games he plays are made by other video game makers. So, I am thinking of selling and either adding to my IRJ (small caps) position or starting a new position in IJH (mid caps). Do you see much potential in EA? Am I too late to buy IJH? My other thought was maybe Uber? Everyone seems to use Uber these days. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on June 18, 2024
Q: A question was recently asked about AVUV, VIOV and DFSV; and the answer described them and ranked them in that order. TQSM was also reviewed.

My question: how does IJR rank and compare to these funds? Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on June 13, 2024
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