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5i Recent Questions
Q: Nice earnings from Howmet Aerospace Inc and looks to be a great stock since COVID decline.

Can I get your updated views on this company and compare/contrast to Heico, TransDigm, GE Aerospace and 1 other NA listed competitor I am missing (BOEING)

Please rank from best to worse for a 5 year hold risk not an issue looking for largest gains based on best guess of course.

What 2 main financial metrics would you look at for these specific companies ?

It seems the standard symbol for Howmet Aerospace Inc. (HWM) is not showing and only 2 questions under the symbol with Ex-Distribution - FYI

Read Answer Asked by Michael on August 02, 2024
Q: TDG HEI -HWM I would appreciate guidance on investing in part suppliers to thr major defense contractors, with your preference to invest in this market and target entry prices. If I missed any of interest or you would orefer in the defense sector, please advise.
Read Answer Asked by sam on January 23, 2024
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