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Q: I have been investigating ESPORTS and some numbers are incredible. This seems to be another disruptive force poised for growth. The Patriots owner has just bought a team and even the Olympics are looking at it.
I see three ETF’s for esports. GAMR. Fidelity,79 holdings $95m AUM; ESPO. Vaneck, 25 holdings $13m AUM; NERD Quaterhill small new 25 holdings.
I am looking at a small position through my TFSA of 1.5 % of my total portfolio including RSP and cash accounts. Also considering adding 5% ( of the 1.5%) of TSGI ( their future is online sports gambling, not no/ slow grow poker) to round the theme.
What do you know of this industry? Would you recommend another approach? Any specific recommendations? Thanks. Derek
Read Answer Asked by Derek on March 13, 2019
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