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Q: Good afternoon all;

I have a developing opinion (still sorting it out) that it may be time to increase overseas holdings; I have underrepresented them significantly in the past 5 years. I am particularly looking at the African and SE Asian (ex China) economies. While I understand these may not be questions fully in your wheelhouse, your views would be appreciated.

- Do you concur that, subject to Black Swan events, we could expect overseas economies to outperform Canada in the coming few years?
- What geographic areas would you put focus on?
- Do you have 2 or 3 ETF's that may suit such a strategy? DGS is one that has peaked my curiosity.

Thanks for your assistance as always.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on January 17, 2024
Q: What country is your favourite emerging market today for the next five years?
Which ETF would you reccomend based on this answer?

Thanks very much
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on December 21, 2023
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