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Q: AI requires greater electrical power to operate. Which utility companies are positioned to benefit from this boom in Canada and in US? Could you please provide a list? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Esther on May 27, 2024
Q: Hi 5i, my question is regarding Eacom Timber (ETR-T).the recent offer by Kelso has been extended to about mid is my understanding that Kelso has deep pockets and a lot of experience with this type of purchase.after the initial offer by Kelso was made i sold half of my position at a very handsome profit. now my question is, what would you suggest i do with the other half ? should i sell now at a little less than the 38 cent offer and re invest or tender and get the full 38 cents. i guess the chances of a competing bid is slim to none ? thanx for your help, norm
Read Answer Asked by NORM on May 21, 2013
Q: hi Peter, my question is regarding ETR (eacom timber). this morning was halted for several hours at the companies request .about halfway thru the day it resumed trading, hitting all time highs after a buyout offer was an investor how should i look at this do you separate fear and greed from this equation. what would you do ? if an investor does sell his position in ETR but wants to stay in the sector what would you recommend ? thanx
Read Answer Asked by NORM on March 22, 2013
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