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Q: hello 5i,

looking for your ideas re : a few ETF recommendations.
1. One would be for US defense holdings.
2. Agricultural, either international or N. American.
if there are individual stocks that would better than an ETF by all means please advise.
thanks so much.
Hi 5i,

Second half of question. Could you please recommend one or two ETF's covering the following categories.
1. A pure play natural gas ETF.
2. Any basket ETF covering the Honk Kong exchange?
You guys are the best!
Read Answer Asked by ralph on July 18, 2024
Q: Looking for your advice on stocks with accelerating capital returns, excluding IT, for 5 year hold.
Read Answer Asked by sam on June 05, 2024
Q: Could you please provide 3-4 names of US companies that you buy now in each of the following sectors: Technology, communications, industrial, discretionary, and Materials.
Read Answer Asked by Ahmed on April 01, 2024
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