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Q: Good morning!!!

Love the Q&A. Thanks for all the hardwork behind the scenes. This service provided has been a boon to all.

Could you please give me a break down of this company's numbers. Is it intriguing enough to begin a position? Worth watching etc. Of course the family connection as well as set up comes to mind here.

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Adam on October 20, 2021
Q: As I watch the growth stocks in my portfolio get crushed I can't help but also feel excited at the buying opportunities that are being created for others I thought I had missed. With the Nasdaq only 1200 points off its high and companies like TWST (down 57%), LMND (down to 60%) or BOMN (down 50%) or NVTA (down 55%) it is undeniable that many of these stocks have been revalued.

My question pertains both to these specific companies and smaller caps in general. Do you think companies like these are close to finding a floor meaning that it is time to start buying in tranches as they inch down or do you consider it more likely that we need a major sell off and full capitulation?

With these specific companies, what would be an entry price that makes sense for each for the first 1/2 and then a full position. (ie buy a 1/2 of LMND at 75 and then full at 60 if it gets there).
Read Answer Asked by Tim on May 13, 2021
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