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5i Recent Questions
Brookfield Renewable Partners L.P. Limited Partnership Units (BEP)
Brookfield Infrastructure Partners LP Limited Partnership Units (BIP)
Brookfield Corporation Class A Limited Voting Shares (BN)
Brookfield Asset Management Ltd. Class A Limited Voting Shares (BAM)
Q: I own BN with no intention of selling, but I find the dividends of the other Brookfield's interesting for my RRSP account with the potential of some capital growth as well. I know this type of question has been asked in the past, but not since the market downturn. Would you see a benefit of owning any of the others along with BN, and if so, which ones, and what would your total percentage of Brookfield holdings be. Thanks!
Toronto-Dominion Bank (The) (TD)
BCE Inc. (BCE)
Enbridge Inc. (ENB)
Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNQ)
TELUS Corporation (T)
Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited Subordinate Voting Shares (FFH)
Fortis Inc. (FTS)
Tourmaline Oil Corp. (TOU)
Celestica Inc. (CLS)
Aritzia Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares (ATZ)
Pembina Pipeline Corp. (Canada) (PBA)
Royal Bank Of Canada (RY)
Brookfield Renewable Partners L.P. Limited Partnership Units (BEP)
Boyd Group Services Inc. (BYD)
ARCpoint Inc. (ARC)
Brookfield Asset Management Ltd. Class A Limited Voting Shares (BAM)
US Treasury 3 Month Bill ETF (TBIL)
Q: Hi group can you please comment on Capitol direct trust - last quarter they paid out 9% + over last 3 yrs they have averaged 7+ %. What is your assessment of the risk rewards in this sector i suspect that restrictions on liquidly and management fees are concerns but the attractive quarterly payout are very attractive in this unstable market overall your thoughts please. I am 74 and retired so steady income is a driver. Also please rate the above stocks (1-10 . 10 being best) Thanks for your help
Brookfield Asset Management Inc Class A Limited (BAM)
Brookfield Renewable Partners L.P. Limited Partnership Units (BEP)
Brookfield Infrastructure Corporation Class A Exchangeable Subordinate Voting Shares (BIPC)
Brookfield Corporation Class A Limited (BN)
Q: Hi, I have a good problem and looking for some suggestions here. I have Brookfield group companies to 17.5% right now. RRSP A/C- BAM-1%, BN-8.6%,BEP-5% , Non-Registered A/C - BIPC-2.8% . Should i let them grow or reduce and which one? Thanks
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