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Q: I own two of Innovator's Defined Outcome ETF's - PAPR and POCT - each with the 15% downside buffer. They have performed as hoped for during the period I have owned them - limiting the upside to approx. half of the index return and similarly buffering the downside by approx. 50%.
On their web-site, Innovator has an interesting article questioning the future of the traditional 60 /40 portfolio. With 10 year bonds under 1% and headed lower, they question future returns from FI and perhaps its ability to act as a ballast to a portfolio in volatile times.
They suggest for the future - 50% Equity ; 30% Defined Outcome products ; and 20 % FI. Talking their book admittedly but interesting . Your thoughts , please.
Read Answer Asked by William on March 06, 2020
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