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Q: As a value investor, I've been liking the performance of the AVDV small cap ETF which I presently own. I'm not sure if you are familiar with AVES from the same ETF family. I'd like to add a bit of Emerging market exposure, and since this ETF option is another value type, I was drawn to it. Do you see AVES as being acceptable relative to the usual VWO's and VEE's of the Emerging Market world of ETF's ?
Read Answer Asked by James on August 01, 2024
Q: Hi,

Your faith in resurgence of Small caps seem to be paying off! IWM is on a tear, eh?! However an article in Barron's seem to suggest that it is bit early to dive into Small caps!

Having said that, can you suggest some LOW COST Small cap ETFs both in the US and the rest of the world. If you want to give some for growth and some for value, it will be appreciated.

Many thanks.


Read Answer Asked by Savalai on July 19, 2024
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