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5i Recent Questions
Q: Is there an opportunity to start a position at these levels? Gold has been strong for ~6 months and the share price on Newmont has been very weak considering that. I know they made an acquisition of Newcrest last year, was there an issue with that acquisition or is there something else at play keeping shares weak?

Given the notable monthly and quarterly closing price of gold last week, it seems like Newmont shares have solid potential upside from here. If you aren't keen on NEM, is AEM the preferred alternative or is there another gold miner you like?

Read Answer Asked by Marco on April 01, 2024
Q: Good morning, Gold hit an all time high today and its up all day. But the GDX, AEM, and ABX went the other way into negative territory. How is this possible , can you please explain?? In August of 2020 when gold hit $2060 for a brief moment , GDX, AEM, and GOLD hit all time highs and today they are 40-50 % lower .
Read Answer Asked by George on March 11, 2024
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