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Q: I was wondering if you could provide any commentary on the newly spun-out company, ZImVie (formerly from Zimmer Biomet). I am familiar with their dental products - they are quite good, and focus primarily on the implant space (including implant fixtures, prosthetic components for tooth replacement and bone regeneration materials), rather than a more diversified product line throughout the dental space. I have spoken to a representative from the company, and my limited understanding is that it seems likelier that they plan to stay focused in this segment of dental health for the foreseeable future.

My question would be as follows: given the limited amount of time they have existed as a stand-alone company, can enough be gleaned from what is publicly available to make an informed decision regarding their longer-term prospects? At this point, I only have the worm’s-eye view (I use their products and like them, as well as their clinical support system), and I could really use a bird’s-eye vantage point. Thanks so much, and I look forward to reading you comments!
Read Answer Asked by Domenic on March 21, 2022
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