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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hi,
WDC just split into 2 companies today. Can you please take a look at the 2 individual companies and give me your take if you think both or the individual companies look like they will show strong growth and increased stock price over the next 5 year.
Buy , sell or hold on the 2?
With thanks
WDC just split into 2 companies today. Can you please take a look at the 2 individual companies and give me your take if you think both or the individual companies look like they will show strong growth and increased stock price over the next 5 year.
Buy , sell or hold on the 2?
With thanks
Intel Corporation (INTC)
Western Digital Corporation (WDC)
Revvity Inc Com (PKI)
Omega Healthcare Investors Inc. (OHI)
Groupon Inc. (GRPN)
Beyond Meat Inc. (BYND)
Silvergate Capital Corporation Class A (SI)
Warner Music Group Corp. (WMG)
Nikola Corporation (NKLA)
WeWork Inc - Class A (WE)
Q: Hi Peter,
Can you please provide a list of the top five companies that you would consider taking a short position for the next six months? Please provide a brief explanation why these companies were selected to be included in your shortlist.
Thanks, for your advice.
Can you please provide a list of the top five companies that you would consider taking a short position for the next six months? Please provide a brief explanation why these companies were selected to be included in your shortlist.
Thanks, for your advice.
Western Digital Corporation (WDC)
Wynn Resorts Limited (WYNN)
Alibaba Group Holding Limited American Depositary Shares each representing eight (BABA)
Canada Goose Holdings Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares (GOOS)
- Inc. (JD)
Q: Hi group I am out of credits...Hopefully you can give me some guidance on how to play China opening up from Covis restrictions. Commodities and oil seems to stand out if you agree what companies have the most potential upside. Also looks like big tech is another beneficiary if you agree what is your top picks in this sector as well. Thanks for your goodwill service it much appreciated
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