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Q: With quarterly earnings winding down I'm curious to hear about about a couple of your biggest surprises. Are there a few outliers on the positive and negative side? Can be US or Canadian.
Read Answer Asked by Kel on May 22, 2024
Q: Hello, I recently sold my rental property in 2022, and I now have funds sitting in the bank, earning interest. My ultimate goal is to invest this money wisely and create a portfolio that can serve as an inheritance for my loved ones. I am currently in the process of assembling a collection of high-quality stocks.

For me, the presence or absence of dividends is not a decisive factor when selecting stocks. Could you kindly recommend two top-performing stocks in each sector of the global market? These core holdings will play a crucial role in achieving my long-term financial objectives.

As of now, I have already purchased shares in NVIDIA (NVDA), Meta, Intuitive Surgical (ISRG), Alphabet (GOOGL), Canada: Goeasy (GSY), Nuvei (NVEI), Definity Finacial (DFY), Boyd Group(BYD), Thomson Reuters (TRI), Aritzia (ATZ), and Nutrien (NTR).

Thank you in advance for your valuable insights.
Read Answer Asked by Esther on February 21, 2024
Q: Long term holding and price appreciation of AAPL and NVDA has led to a U.S. portion of a registered portfolio weighting of 28% and 17% respectively. I'd like to take some profits on these positions and trim these weightings to diversify. Please provide your top suggestions for replacements to consider in Health, Consumer, IT, Communication, and Financial sectors with a timeframe of 10years+
Read Answer Asked by Chris on November 15, 2023
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