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Q: I am wondering about protecting myself from downward moves of NVDA price based on earnings results and news next week. My strategy so far is limited selling as the stock has ramped up beyond any "normal" I have seen.
Of course the dichotomy is:
- Fear that the bubble / AI hype will fizzle and my paper gains never materialize, and;
- Trepidation that I will regret selling another single share if NVDA's future stays bright.

So would options be a way to play this or is this quite expensive? It appears that ATM puts are $7.00 for AUG30. A full 5% premium to protect downside. Crazy? Other Thoughts? Thanks as always - you guys are amazing.
Read Answer Asked by Marilou on August 20, 2024
Q: I am looking at putting together a medium to high risk portfolio of ETF's to generate above average returns (above 9-12%) over a 5 to 10 year timeframe for a portion (5-10%) of my overall portfolio. Sector diversification is not a major consideration in this portfolio of ETF'S, more the long term growth. If I were to pick 4 or 5 what would you recommend from this list or if you have a better alternative please suggest that. I am looking to equal weight into each of the ETF's. Thanks in advance for your suggestion.
Read Answer Asked by RALPH on June 26, 2024
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