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Q: So I've started to travel solo more (thank you divorce) and I've booked 2 different Airbnb at 2 different cities (Montreal, and Nashville). Both were excellently operated remotely and great value by a company named Sonder.

They appear to want to be a premier 5 star Airbnb chain. I saw the hotel run by them in Nashville and booked immediately- so they already have my consumer loyalty.

I looked them up and they're trading on the NASDAQ but at massive lows.

No one here has asked a question about this company, but it looks like a hold at $3 a share (from a high of $200...)

I am not an analyst- what are your thoughts on this company, future estimates for growth. I am guessing they are a victim of high finance rates hitting their profit margins - but then again,, who isn't.

Read Answer Asked by Jeff on February 20, 2024
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