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Q: Hi Peter & Ryan...May I have your thoughts on Schneider Electric? Are they well positioned to win loads of projects assisting homeowners to generate electricity? Is their valuation reasonable and are they on the growth side or more like a utility dividend stock?

I understand the logic of mining uranium to fuel nuclear reactors and CCO has done pretty darn well this year. I think they have doubled from the $40 stock price recommendation earlier this year. But reactors have long lead times, are expensive and come with their own set of problems (nuclear waste). CCO's valuation is pretty expensive too.

Cities are the demand load for electricity and locally produced supply from roof top solar panels should help fill the gap. At least the transmission losses will be minimized!

Is Schneider Electric part of any "Green" ETF?

Any comments you have would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by James on September 07, 2023
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