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5i Recent Questions
Q: Just renewed earlier this year and realized it's been 10 years. Thanks for all your sage advice over the years and the many multibaggers (I was hooked after Amaya) that came with it.

What initially drew me to 5i was Peter's enthusiasm for small caps. Using his methods can you recommend your current favourite US small caps at the moment (I have lots of Canadian ones thanks to the growth & balanced portfolios).

Thanks, see you in 2034!
Read Answer Asked by dan on September 06, 2024
Q: Hi team,

Looking for strong growth in the health sector.

Do you think OSCR-N, RXST-Q, VHI-T and National Health Care are the best options for the purpose ? And what is the level of risk ?

Please deduct as many credits as you see fit.


Jacques IDS
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on August 30, 2024
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