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Q: On March 20, (Market Call) a gentleman by the name of Reza Samahin on top picks had a company by the name of Impinj, Inc., the way he told it this company is a leader in product in information tags. I would appreciate if you would give me your view on this company. Would it be a buy or hold off purchasing.
Thank You for your services
Thank You for your services
Q: This company was a recent top pick on BNN, the last question on it seems to be many years ago. The share price has come off pretty dramatically recently. Can I please have your latest thoughts on their prospects and current valuation?
Q: Hi 5i,
I am interested in the asset tracking space. I have read comments/replies on above mentioned companies in this space and wondered what your current opinions might be of each of these.
Is there a 'best of breed' company or 'industry leader' in this space or is the space just to fragmented for someone to be dominant?
Your last comment on TKX was a company to watch. They have done a number of deals the past 18 mos and the most recent involves some collaboration with Impinj. How do you feel about this company today (TKX)?
Impinj has fallen quite a lot the last 18 mos (I don't own it), has it gotten to a point of being buyable or too much downward momentum still exists? They seem to have a lot of RFID tags out there (25 billion)...that has to count for something. :)
I do own GPS (2%) and am patiently waiting for them to get back on track....pun intended :)
Thanks as always for your valued guidance!!
I am interested in the asset tracking space. I have read comments/replies on above mentioned companies in this space and wondered what your current opinions might be of each of these.
Is there a 'best of breed' company or 'industry leader' in this space or is the space just to fragmented for someone to be dominant?
Your last comment on TKX was a company to watch. They have done a number of deals the past 18 mos and the most recent involves some collaboration with Impinj. How do you feel about this company today (TKX)?
Impinj has fallen quite a lot the last 18 mos (I don't own it), has it gotten to a point of being buyable or too much downward momentum still exists? They seem to have a lot of RFID tags out there (25 billion)...that has to count for something. :)
I do own GPS (2%) and am patiently waiting for them to get back on track....pun intended :)
Thanks as always for your valued guidance!!
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