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Q: We have held BCE for many years in a RRIF account, generally for income (position size about 2%). Yes the dividend is great and likely to continue, but our position is now showing an unrealized loss close to 25%. I am thinking of selling and moving on to another opportunity that will provide better growth and returns. Comments please. Maybe the money is better placed in GOOGL, also in the communications sector? Or possibly into another USA dividend position? In our two RRIF's we hold ABBV, MSFT, PAGP, BTI. Rio Tinto, along with Canadian companies: MFC, WCP, BNS, TD, LIF, BIP.UN, AD.UN and USCL (for income). Growth may be a higher priority than income. Overall portfolio weightings for all six accounts combined is approximately 50% Canadian and 50% USA plus International. RRIF accounts are relatively small in value compared with non registered accounts
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on July 12, 2024
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