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5i Recent Questions
Q: I own the following in my TFSA - LMND, NVCR, U, FSLY, TWLO. All are down significantly and make up only a small percentage of the total TFSA. Because I can not take a tax loss, would you recommend leaving them tucked away for now? In other words, do any have good potential? Or would you recommend selling and investing elsewhere? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on August 22, 2024
Q: Two companies so please go ahead and take two credits to allow for a detailed reply for each.

DMTK: Any life in this? I have always loved the idea of accurate, non-invasive skin cancer detection but this has not done well. Is there upside at current levels or is it likely to be bought out? It's hard to see how the tech is not more widely adopted by doctors.

NVCR: What happened to this one? Problem with their technology or just not producing numbers to keep Wall St. happy? Any upside given the extreme pullback?
Read Answer Asked by Tim on August 09, 2023
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