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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hello Team,
In one answer you stated NBIS is very high risk and in another you stated that half the market cap is in cash. If half the market cap is in cash doesn’t that make it far less risky? Can you please provide a current valuation, your thoughts on the investment thesis and what price it would be a table pounding buy?
In one answer you stated NBIS is very high risk and in another you stated that half the market cap is in cash. If half the market cap is in cash doesn’t that make it far less risky? Can you please provide a current valuation, your thoughts on the investment thesis and what price it would be a table pounding buy?
Q: Do you think the “invest in the European market” theme might catch on with and support NBIS going forward? Being based in Amsterdam and emerging as of the larger European AI data center providers outside of GCP, AWS, and Azure I see this as a potentially significant tailwind if they can deliver. I’ve also been seeing more direct marketing from Nebius on my Reddit feed which I see as a positive that their sales teams are ramping up. Curious about your perspective on this.
Q: Good Morning
I currently hold both VRT and NBIS. Is there too much duplication/overlap between the two? If that is the case which would you reduce to have only one position?
Thank you
I currently hold both VRT and NBIS. Is there too much duplication/overlap between the two? If that is the case which would you reduce to have only one position?
Thank you
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