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5i Recent Questions
Q: Can you provide a list of 10 US and 10 Canadian stocks that you think have the highest conviction/potential to double from current prices over next 12 months or so. Market cap or risk is not a factor. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on February 16, 2022
Q: Please ignore if this has been asked by others, but let's say Mr. X challenges you to the same competition but for US stocks, and this time he let's you pick first. What are your picks?
Read Answer Asked by Rick on January 04, 2022
Q: Looking to harvest a capital gains loss with AT. With the possible upside in the new year, I would like to reinvest the funds. Can you suggest a couple of ideas, either US or Canadian.

Thank you,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Read Answer Asked by Francisco on December 22, 2021
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