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JPMorgan Equity Premium Income ETF (JEPI)
Harvest Premium Yield Treasury ETF (HPYT.U)
JPMorgan Nasdaq Equity Premium Income ETF (JEPQ)
Q: I am looking to add some income etfs that are looking attractive in this downturn to my RRSP. I'm looking for combined growth of 8-10% year over year for 10 years for this segment of my portfolio. Do you see either of the above as attractive in this way, or can you suggest something else? I could go to Cdn, but have most of my cash in USD right now.
Q: This morning in an answer to Heather you quoted JEPQ as having a yield of 12.50% ..... My sources say 9.50% .... I'm interested at 12.50% but not the latter. Could you confirm the dividend yield ? Thanks for your terrific service .....
JPMorgan Equity Premium Income ETF (JEPI)
JPMorgan Nasdaq Equity Premium Income ETF (JEPQ)
JPMorgan US Equity Premium Income Active ETF (JEPI)
JPMorgan Nasdaq Equity Premium Income Active ETF (JEPQ)
Q: The US versions of these ETFs have high yields. I am selling some of my more volatile RRSP holdings and want to move the funds into ETFs that add stability and a return of 8-10% with dividend/growth. Are these ETF's considered relatively stable. and is there a point that they should be considered less stable, for example, if interest rates rise. The Cdn equiv show no dividend. Is there a reason for this?
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