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Q: Is IPAR a reasonably good value at current prices? When looking up financial metrics on several sites I get differing data e.g., PEG ratio at FINVIZ is a high 2.8 around 1 yet other sites show ratios closer to 1. From an admittedly very general review, I have the impression that this business has a reasonable good moat, a good management and favorable prospects for the next 3 to 5 years. IPAR is a much-favored company at a site I find honest and reliable (latter is Compounding Quality where it is in their suggested portfolio). It does not appear in any of the five models I have access to at AAII, where it does not qualify even for that organization’s “Shadow Stocks”. (Latter are companies AAII monitors for possible future inclusion).

IPAR seems to be a good--but forgotten-- company. Would appreciate your more detailed insight, giving your view on current valuations (PEG, forward P/E , prospects through 2027). Especially may one please have your insightful comments. Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Adam on August 23, 2024
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