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Q: Can you comment on their recent earnings and conference call? Looks like the right space to be in and trading below “fair value”. What would you consider fair value? How does the recent news affect your last comments concerning at least on the “Cons” side of the coin where you said “ On the negative side: the stock is one-fifth the level it was in 2011. Revenue is about 20% of 2013's levels. But, it has kept the share count very low, and the stock is on fire. ” If this had a higher market cap would it be one that would be on your screens as something to own. I’ve made good profits so far so wondering if I should hold or sell on the recent good news.
Read Answer Asked by James on November 15, 2021
Q: A recruitment company, that came across my screens. Book value, price to sales look ok to me. What do you think of their recent earnings, management, balance sheet, industry, as the economy opens up and long term outlook. Could you also look into the insider trading, I see multiple recent buys by the CEO from January until now on a daily basis at 0 .4% his holding each time. Why this type of pattern? Is this significant in the long run. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by James on May 10, 2021
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