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5i Recent Questions
Q: In response to the question below, First United was recently added to the Russell 2000 index. This would explain the recent run up. My question would be, is there any research on how long the boost for being added to an index lasts. Is it short term (ie. a week) or do stocks added to an index trend higher over a 6 month or 1 year time frame.
Read Answer Asked by Ralph on June 15, 2018
Q: I have this name from previous investment letter that I used to follow, and I don't anymore. It has run up quite nicely in the last little bit. It is US Bank, I know that isn't your specialty. Is there a compelling reason to hold longer or is it time to take some profits.

I believe that my Allocation to financials will be fine if I sell. Any particular area in US except Tech that you would put money towards. I can just do a broad market ETF as well.

As always thanks for the great advice.

Read Answer Asked by Colin on June 14, 2018
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