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5i Recent Questions
Q: Can you please comment on E*TRADE's latest quarterly results. The company continues to beat analyst targets. It is my only US financial exposure (save for Blackstone). Buy more, hold , or sell? Thanks
Q: Any news or reasoning behind ETFC's 5% gain today (at the time of this writing)? Maybe an analyst upgrade? There doesn't seem to be any news from what I can see and the markets and financial sector is more or less flat. Thanks
CME Group Inc. (CME)
E*TRADE Financial Corporation (ETFC)
Charles Schwab Corporation (The) (SCHW)
AMTD IDEA Group American Depositary Shares each representing six (6) Class A (AMTD)
Q: I want to buy a half position in a US financial investment services company for a US dollar registered account. Please rank the following for potential capital gain with medium risk accepted. CME,IBKR,AMTD,SCHW,ETFC.
Please explain your rational.
Thanks, Tim.
Please explain your rational.
Thanks, Tim.
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