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5i Recent Questions
Q: On Aug 8/22 you answered a question on BLCO and talked about a possible overhang on the stock from BHC ownership.
Can you update that reply? Basically looking for your opinion on BLCO and whether you have the "no need to rush out and buy" feeling about it. Perhaps their new CEO is a catalyst?
Do you prefer COO:US as an alternative...but seems much more expensive on valuation.
Read Answer Asked by Doug on April 21, 2023
Q: Would like to invest in the health sector, looking for growth over 1-2 years. Could you comment on the above stocks
Read Answer Asked by Howie on June 24, 2021
Q: Thinking about investment implications of this crisis. In a recent investigation by Assoiated Press it was reported that " The critical shortage of medical supplies across the U.S. (Canada?), including testing swabs, protective masks,surgical gowns and hand sanitizer, can be tied to a sudden drop in imports, mostly from China". Do you think there will now be a new emphasis on domestic manufacture and if so where might one find the companies that would benefit?
Read Answer Asked by michael on April 01, 2020
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