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Q: Hi 5i,
These companies are all I have in the tech sector. Can you rank them for me and are they all currently buyable? I’m a long term holder of dividend companies can you recommend a couple more or maybe I should just buy more of what I have. Your help is appreciated!
These companies are all I have in the tech sector. Can you rank them for me and are they all currently buyable? I’m a long term holder of dividend companies can you recommend a couple more or maybe I should just buy more of what I have. Your help is appreciated!
Q: ADP and PAYX seem to have quite similar businesses and I am having a hard time picking the long-term winner in their HR services market. It doesn't seem to make sense to own both. Which of the two would you prefer for a long term investment and why?
Automatic Data Processing Inc. (ADP)
Home Depot Inc. (The) (HD)
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PepsiCo Inc. (PEP)
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Q: Could you suggest some US dividend stocks that you think are a buy right now and that may do well over the next year. Thanks
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