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5i Recent Questions
Q: I was interested in your reply to Ronnie today (14th) on U.S. growth suggestions. As individual securities you suggested IBKR, LPLA, CELH, CROX, DUOL. If I was to add HEI, ADI and ULTA to that list could you rank all 8 for say 5 yr pure growth potential and then re-rank if one was seeking a balance of both growth and safety? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on December 18, 2023
Q: Hello Peter and team,

Mr. Kim Bolton who has my respect as a guest on BNN, suggested yesterday that one may want to take some profits off NVDA and re-direct the cash to AMD/ADI. Not sure if he said TSM in the same Q&A or added later. I am of course paraphrasing his response. Any opinions on these companies or comments about such a strategy? Do these companies pass your writing covered call approach?
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on June 09, 2023
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