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Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets All Cap Index ETF (VEE)
iShares MSCI ACWI Ex US Index Fund (ACWX)
Vanguard Total International Stock (VXUS)
Q: Good Morning 5i,
I have held VEE for a number of years as part of my global exposure in my portfolio. I would like to replace it with another global ETF. Could you suggest 3 other ETF's that would provide more upside over the next 5 years. I also hold XWD so avoiding any overlap is a consideration.
Thanks for all you do for us each day.
I have held VEE for a number of years as part of my global exposure in my portfolio. I would like to replace it with another global ETF. Could you suggest 3 other ETF's that would provide more upside over the next 5 years. I also hold XWD so avoiding any overlap is a consideration.
Thanks for all you do for us each day.
BMO Canadian Dividend ETF (ZDV)
BMO Low Volatility Canadian Equity Fund (ZLB)
BMO Equal Weight Banks Index ETF (ZEB)
iShares Core Canadian Universe Bond Index ETF (XBB)
Vanguard FTSE Global All Cap ex Canada Index ETF (VXC)
CI Morningstar Canada Momentum Index ETF (WXM)
iShares MSCI ACWI Ex US Index Fund (ACWX)
Vanguard Large Cap ETF (VV)
Q: Setting up an 40K RRSP with a 6 to 10 year time frame. What is your opinion and/or alternatives to ZEB, VXC, ZDV, XBB in equal proportions.
Q: Is acwx a good all in one etf to get international exposure outside north America or should a portfolio go with separate etfs for different regions like fez, vwo,etc?
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