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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hello 5i,

NVDA is our largest position. GOOGL is 2nd and AAPL is 5th . With potential headwinds for GOOGL (except for Waymo) and AAPL (lower sales and China bs), would it be prudent to trim a full position of GOOGL and/or AAPL to a ¾ or ½ position and reallocate funds to other stocks?

We have a few options for those funds. Sector allocation is not important.

Increase positions in 1 or 2 of: CROX, ASPN, TMDX, CLBT, UBER, AMD, AVGO
Add new positions in 1 or 2 of: CECO, CRM, SMCI, VRT, SNOW, AAON, BKNG

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Jerry on October 16, 2024
Q: Hi folks,
I hold BCE and Telus in my RRSP. Would like to reduce my weighing in BCE. With that money I am looking at adding to one of... GOOGL, MSFT, AAPL or VISA which would bring one of these to a 9% weighing which I'm okay with. May I have your opinion as to which one you would add to and why.
Read Answer Asked by JOHN on October 09, 2024
Q: I am currently doing my quarterly rebalancing of my portfolio. I need to up my US equity holdings. My current US holdings are AAPL, BRK.B,XOM, JPM, MSFT, MCD, V. What are your favorite long term US holdings right now ?
Read Answer Asked by Mark on October 07, 2024
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