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5i Recent Questions
Q: In a recent Market Update (Aug 22) you spoke of the power of compounding and the key characteristics of a high compounding stock such as higher volatility, strong sales growth, lower dividends, premium valuations, etc. As a follow up to this topic could you please provide the 5 best US companies (or more if you wish) which you consider to fit these characteristics for long term compounding. Many thanks. Cal
Read Answer Asked by Calvin on September 11, 2024
Q: Hi,
I own TT, PWR, HEI and TT. Looking to add to this industrial theme, if you think that's a good idea? I need a stock that's in a reliable sector without gut wrenching volatility. What do you advise? Are there CDN stocks you'd recommend?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on August 26, 2024
Q: Hello 5i,

We sold two stocks that had were poor performers but they improved in the past few months in our RRSP. Can you rank the following stocks to purchase if we were to initiate a 1/4 position today for a 5-year hold? Our intention is to start 2 or 3 positions to see where they go, and add funds to the best two over time.
Would the ranking be the same for a TFSA or non-reg account?

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on August 16, 2024
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