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Q: I have a large (for me) holdings in these two Mawer funds.
I can either keep paying the management fees and the annual capital gain, or sell MAW150 at a loss, or sell both, get hit by a large capital gain (MAW107) and buy Canadian ETF's holding small and mid US stocks.
What'd you do?
Thanks Jerry
Read Answer Asked by jery on January 22, 2024
Q: I presently own Mawer US equity 108 and 150 global small caps
Would like your recommendations as to buying two more Mawer funds that are down a lot and may have some good upside in the next two/three years
Alternatively can you recommend an ETF instead of the mawer funds you choose since the etf would have lower fees
Finally would You choose the Mawer funds over the ETFs you recommend in spite of the higher Mawer fees with the expectation of better returns from Mawer ?
I would like to purchase with Canadian dollars
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Indra on March 17, 2022
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