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Q: Re: Question concerning recent performance of EDG180, Feb 11, from John.
I note that EDGPOINT came about toward the tail end of the 2008 market shock and that they therfore had an excellent starting point for their funds to perform. Is it possible that this serendipitous beginning might somewhat explain their longer term results and that perhaps their more recent performance which "has indeed slipped" might actually be the norm?
Read Answer Asked by Steve on February 13, 2020
Q: Can you please comment on this fund.. Performance over the past 12-15 months has slipped from its long term averages, and ,according to Morningstar, has been in the bottom quartile of comparable funds.over this period. Based on its holdings and asset mix and performance would you continue to hold this fund? What would be your rationale for your recommendation. If you think that the fund should be sold what would be a good replacement. I currently have a position in the Mawer Global balanced fund so would be looking for another name, Thanks.

Read Answer Asked by John on February 11, 2020
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