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Q: Hi,
In looking at this particular Centurion ETF, I noticed there are different classes - some of which seem to have higher fees for advisors, etc. I also note that in a previous Q&A you have mentioned this is a mutual fund, as opposed to an ETF and I have been told by the person recommending it that it is a mutual fund trust, which is different - yet their explanation as to why it is different wasn't clear to me. So I am wondering what the difference is between a mutual fund trust and a mutual fund. I assume it operates somewhat like a REIT, but am not really sure. If you could clarify this and whether or not the CEN105:CA is the low fee version, available to direct investors, I would appreciate that. Also please let me know if you would recommend this, or could suggest better alternatives, I would appreciate the input.
Thanks for your continued advice, it is always appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Dawn on September 30, 2019
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